Under Screed Direct Under Floor Raised FloorsFloor Blocks

Under Screed Direct Under Floor Raised Floors Floor Blocks

Under Screed

Anti-vibration Under Screed Membranes used beneath light and heavy floors, offering high protection against impact noise.

Direct Under Floor

Anti-vibration membranes that are placed directly on existing floors for a final surface of laminate or tile.

Raised Floors

Used in both indoor and outdoor spaces, they ensure sound insulation and anti-vibration protection, offering flexibility in managing installations.

Floor Blocks

High acoustic performance system designed on a project basis to achieve maximum sound insulation. It is suitable for studio applications and requires a smooth application surface.


Email : info@stopsound.gr

Email : onassiadis@stopsound.gr

Email : vainderlis@stopsound.gr

Email : zefi@stopsound.gr

Phone: +30 210 8256 239

Mob: +306989432493 Mob: +306982753677
Sepolion 24 & Xanthippis
P.L. 10445 Athens

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