Anti-Vibration SpringsMetal PanelsLouvre soundproofingSound traps

Anti-Vibration SpringsMetal PanelsLouvre soundproofingSound traps

Anti-Vibration Springs

Used for reduction of vibrations and vibrations in mechanical installations and industrial applications. They offer increased stability and protection of Mechanical equipment, improving their operation and lifespan, at the same time preventing the transmission of vibrations from their operation to other structural elements.

Metal Panels - Sound Curtains - Enclosures

They are used for the construction of sound curtains or construction of soundproof cages (enclosures). They offer both Sound Insulation and high Sound Absorption which makes them the most suitable solution for Sound Insulation of Mechanical / Industrial Equipment & Traffic Noise.

Louvre soundproofing

Used for Sound insulation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, while allowing ventilation of the Machinery. Their small thickness makes them an excellent solution in cases of limited application space.

Sound Traps

Used for Soundproofing ventilation channels, air conditioning units (external), in Soundproof Cages, etc.


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